So, how was your offseason? Mine sucked cause, well, they call it an offseason since it's boring, cold, and Pamtastic.
Let's recap what's happened and call it a night.
From August to March:
- I'm still drinking gin while I write
- Franklin broke up, Buddy's a douche, and now we have 10 teams
- I got a big boy job
- Ford, Ron, Wagner, Tina, and Spencer all survived the winter and flu season
- Spence's band plays a mean Decemberists cover
- Phyllis's boobs got 2 years younger
- Memorial Nick turned 28 or something, I wasn't paying attention at his birthday party cause his AA sponsor was crying
- Buddy's beard asked for a trial separation
- HaHaAmy still hates us
- ZooChris can make tables in Microsoft Word
- Rice and Ray had a Steel Cage Match for the soul of the Fart Museum
- Pencil got Gabored
- The Darkness drank a bottle of Schnapps and passed out at 8:15
- The Marinos all learned how to read
- Derm passed out on the stairs
- Nevins became the fastest Professor
- The Dutch Camel mule-kicked his way into Benson's heart
- Memorial Nick got the penicillin he needed
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