Monday Over/Under
1. FAMtastic
Fourteen + 7 at the Angry Rays 23
2. Zoo at the
Pickles +4 26
3. Pencils +6 at the Collar 31
(Hoagiefest Game of the Week!)
4. Collar +3 at the
Refugees 27
5. Angry Rays+10 at the Ball Tap 35
6. Winless
Institute+16 at Pencils 40
Memorial Nick’s Trojan Condoms Picks
1. Art to cover
wiith the over
2. Zoo to cover
with the over
3. Pencil with the
points and the under
4. Collar with the
points and the under
5. Tap to cover
with the under
6. Pencil to cover
with the over
Wait, Art Museum has a game tonight?