Why is he leading her away from the St. Joseph's Catholic Church? I heard they have brownies!

Why is he leading her away from the St. Joseph's Catholic Church?  I heard they have brownies!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Spotlight on the CCSL revisited Vol. 2

La Nice
Nickname:  The Praying Mantis
Age: Go fuck yourself
Weight: Go fuck yourself
Herpes?: Go fuck yourself
Best friend: The Electric Pinecone
Vampire Neck-biting Rank:  57, between Lestat and Count Chocula
Favorite food:  adolescents....and sushi
True or False, neck bones break easily?  True
Reason #1 Jeremy has his head:  Boring to gnaw when the subject is asleep
Nevins hotness factor:  Would have nailed 13 years ago
Claim to fame:  Has seen the most vaginas of anyone in the CCSL
True or False, she thinks Buddy is made of Nerf?  False
Number of times she has "hooked a brotha up"?  2
Seymour:Audrey II ::Spence: La Nice
What really happened to Jake:  loose stool somewhere on Dairy 4
Who wagged their butts first, Roxy or La Nice?
True or False, got really excited last year when we started referring to "Pickles"?  True
Number of times she and Phyllis have consummated their arrangement:  130
Number of times Ford has watched: 23
Number of times Ford has participated: 0, bum ticker
Favorite movie: Revenge of the Chewed up Frat Boys IV: Trouble in Delta Pi
Best Friday Night Meal:  Wine for 3
Kyle play suggestion:  Whitesnake "Here i go Again Video" set in WWII Poland
Favorite Subject in School:  Crusty Vaginas
Ford?  yes
Which Phyllis boob has the most personality?  The up one
Touching it now?  Absotively
CCSL Hotness factor:  11
Number of dates before Pickle would "make a move":  134
Number of dates before Buddy would "make a move":  hehe, Buddy
Does my fiancee know she's slept over?  yes
How did she know?  hard to explain the corpse-pile, said Ray and I had "drinks"
Benson or Elmer?  Hard to know, not enough Pims Cups in the state
Finish the sentence.  Jeremy's penis curves to the ___________________.
Answer:  Narcolepsy
Favorite CCSL player:  Not Donny, he sucks.  Um, Tina, I guess.  Oh, wait, is she dead?  That might be insensitive
Do you like Katy Perry?  Is that the outfielder from the Fleisher that dates Johanna?
Would you sleep with Ford?  Go Fuck Yourself!

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